

Josef Donát - Martin Maisner - Radim Polčák

Software Protection - A Comparative Perspective

Medien und Recht München 2011,  XII, 266 pages.

The book aims to provide academics and practitioners in the field of ICT law with basic comparative information on fundamental questions of software protection in different jurisdictions worldwide. Lawyers from member firms of the MULTILAW network in 24 jurisdictions and the legal experts from the Institute of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, contributed to this publication.

ISBN: 978-3-939438-15-1
Preis: EUR 42 (EUR 39.25 netto zzgl. 7.00% USt)
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Prof. Dr. Jacek Golaczynski; Dr. Dariusz Adamski; Zbigniew Okon; Marcin Ozóg; Marcin Podles; Boguslaw Soltys

IT Law in Poland. - An Introduction to IP Law; Contract Law and Internet Liabilty. Band 2 d. Reihe Infolaw – Schriftenreihe zum Informationsrecht und Immaterialgüterrecht (hgg. von Andreas Wiebe)

Wien 2009. 232 Seiten (engl.). Introduction to Polish intellectual property law; IT contract law and liability.
ISBN: 978-3-900741-50-1
Preis: EUR 38,01 (EUR 34.55 netto zzgl. 10.00% USt)
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Dr. Gerald Stampfel/ Prof. Dr. Wilfried Gansterer/ Mag. Michael Ilger

Data Retention - The EU Directive 2006/24/EC from a Technological Perspective

Wien 2008. 160 Seiten. A contribution to the ongoing debate on the implementation of the EU Data Retention Directive 2006/24/EC
ISBN: 978-3-900741-53-2
Preis: EUR 29 (EUR 26.36 netto zzgl. 10.00% USt)
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